
Ring non funziona o non va?

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Ring Inc. è una società di sicurezza domestica e smart home di proprietà di Amazon. Ring produce prodotti per la sicurezza domestica che incorporano telecamere di rilevamento del movimento per esterni, tra cui Ring Video Doorbell.

Problemi nelle ultime 24 ore

Il grafico seguente mostra il numero di segnalazioni che abbiamo ricevuto su Ring in base all'ora del giorno nelle ultime 24 ore. Un'interruzione viene determinata quando il numero di segnalazioni è superiore alla linea di base, rappresentata dalla linea rossa.

Grafico di interruzione di Ring 12/21/2024 09:45

Al momento, non abbiamo rilevato alcun problema su Ring. Stai riscontrando problemi o un'interruzione? Lascia un messaggio nei commenti.

I problemi più segnalati

Di seguito sono riportati i problemi più recenti segnalati dagli utenti di Ring tramite il nostro sito Web.

  1. Funzionalità online (29%)

    Funzionalità online (29%)

  2. Errore del dispositivo (20%)

    Errore del dispositivo (20%)

  3. Log-in (18%)

    Log-in (18%)

  4. Arresto dell'app (17%)

    Arresto dell'app (17%)

  5. Website (9%)

    Website (9%)

  6. Errori (8%)

    Errori (8%)

Mappa in tempo reale delle interruzioni

Le segnalazioni e i problemi di interruzione più recenti sono originati da

Caricamento mappa, attendere...
City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesLos Angeles Funzionalità online
United StatesLos Angeles Errore del dispositivo
AustraliaSydney Arresto dell'app
United StatesSaint Paul Errore del dispositivo
United StatesOconomowoc Funzionalità online
United StatesFlorence Funzionalità online
Map Mappa attuale

Discussione comunitaria

Suggerimenti? Frustrazioni? Condividi qui. I commenti utili includono una descrizione del problema, la città e il codice postale.

Fai attenzione ai "numeri di supporto" o agli account di "recupero" che potrebbero essere pubblicati di seguito. Assicurati di segnalare e votare negativamente quei commenti. Evita di pubblicare le tue informazioni personali.

Segnalazioni sui problemi di Ring

Ultime interruzioni, problemi e segnalazioni di problemi nei social media:

  • TheeDonJulio Julio Ceja (@TheeDonJulio) segnalati dall' Costa Mesa, California

    @ring when are you fixing the glitch??? I need to have the preview pop up. #ring

  • twinnette twinnette (@twinnette) segnalati

    Anyone else get tired of @fedex lying and saying they delivered packages they didnt deliver. You spend hours chasing down packages in the event it was delivered to the wrong place, only for your @ring to show the delivery the next day. Stop faking deliveries! Tell the truth!

  • jmartell09 Joe Martell (@jmartell09) segnalati

    @ring Still trying to fix this???? I guess I’ll go buy a nest cam cause this is ridiculous.

  • WM_VA_Josh Josh Leggette (@WM_VA_Josh) segnalati

    @ring My doorbell is hardwired but I am still having this problem. Is this also part of the known issue? Thanks!

  • CyborgSniper Ruhel **** (@CyborgSniper) segnalati

    @ring Hi. Any updates on the service outage for the smart notifications. Thank you

  • _COOL_Jay Jay (@_COOL_Jay) segnalati

    @ring Still not working ..seriously??

  • mysticryuujin ChasΞ Wright 🦇🔊 🇪🇹 (@mysticryuujin) segnalati

    So, @ring cameras have "Person Detection" and are supposed to use AI/ML to detect if motion is a person or not. If it detects a person, notifies "There is a person at (back door camera)." But that detection sucks...and alerts on all kinds of ****...in the middle of the night...

  • IfnotwhywhenM Me* (@IfnotwhywhenM) segnalati

    @ring Nearly a week on and Rich notifications still not working! What's going on?!

  • plexiglassgate mako sato (@plexiglassgate) segnalati

    @ring ever since the update I cannot view anything that’s live even when there is a motion, my internet speeds are fine so what’s the issue?

  • lynne1609 Lynne Allen (@lynne1609) segnalati

    @ring Is this issue still not rectified?

  • ryan4258 Ryan Jay (@ryan4258) segnalati

    @marcy_c1223 @ring Could be 2 years.. there's no ETA and no update since 8/5 besides "it's offline". What kind of IT resolution is this? It's no resolution at all, it's a huge, ongoing FAIL by Ring.

  • DaddyDan8 Dan Phelps (@DaddyDan8) segnalati

    @ring This is taking the mick now, how long does it take to fix?

  • ijimenez1 iceeejay (@ijimenez1) segnalati

    @ring Where is the update on this issue?

  • SkinBear01 Jeff Danger (@SkinBear01) segnalati

    @ring any eta on a fix for rich notifications on battery powered devices? Not having them is annoying. Please fix!

  • ilikekimber Kim (@ilikekimber) segnalati

    @ring hey! I don’t get a notification until about 5 mins later. Both myself and hubby are using the same WiFi € have same model phones etc and he gets his notifications in real-time! Any suggestions on how to fix it?

  • jaay_killaa J (@jaay_killaa) segnalati

    @ring Still waiting for the rich notification to work. I’m sure we’d all like to get updates on what you guys are actively doing to fix this issue instead of clicking a link that’ll say the same thing for 4+ days straight

  • fuego_rojoDartz ChrissieTorcaso (@fuego_rojoDartz) segnalati

    @ring Still nothing? So if something happens to us, our homes, or property, can we hold you responsible since your team obviously isn't working on this issue as you claim?

  • OnlineGoddess Bexx (@OnlineGoddess) segnalati

    @ring what’s happening with the live notifications? They’ve been down a week now and no new update on your status page.

  • spyhook spyhoook (@spyhook) segnalati

    @ring it has been 6 days now…I require you to give some money back on my protect plan as you are not offering all that you advertised. You need to retroactive pay back everyone for the down service!

  • mintbury Nick⚾⚾ (@mintbury) segnalati

    @ring Do I get a refund for the days for the days I can't use Rich notifications. Seriously fix the damn problem

  • Jazzyt747Tony Tony Green (@Jazzyt747Tony) segnalati

    @ring Time to research a replacement product... moving into new house in 2 weeks and do not want to setup this buggy system. Hopefully can find a system without subscription fees and reliable.

  • mynameisinic Dom (@mynameisinic) segnalati

    @ring when are you going to fix rich notifications for the app?

  • RayPurchaseEsq Ray Bloody Purchase (@RayPurchaseEsq) segnalati

    @ring @ijimenez1 I could literally spin up an AWS instance and code the entire back-end required to start an entirely new Rich Notifications service in the time it's taken your engineers to sort this issue.

  • a59alerts a59alerts (@a59alerts) segnalati

    @ring See this is limited to battery doorbells but we have a hard wired one and not getting rich notifications on this either? Any help on this please Ring?

  • nottodaynicole nicole🎈 (@nottodaynicole) segnalati

    @ring i’ve wasted a couple hours of my time waiting on the phone for the first issue that got resolved yesterday at 6pm and I truly don’t have time to take another hour away from my desk to try and just get into the app.

  • DaveF83 .oO Dave Oo. (@DaveF83) segnalati

    @CyborgSniper @ring Ah so there is an outage? I've also been wondering why mine had stopped working over the past week

  • SamFK Sam Kessler #BLACKLIVESMATTER (@SamFK) segnalati

    @ring hey guys, my stick up cam keeps telling me it has a low battery and won’t pass a video signal even though the device is in wired mode…. Help? right now it’s an expensive paperweight, and I have no way to check on my pets when I’m away…..

  • 1amr11 AMR (@1amr11) segnalati

    @ring Are Rich Notifications down for wired doorbells too? I haven’t been getting mine.

  • bfgifs1 bfgifs 🌎 (@bfgifs1) segnalati

    @ring Y’all internal system is screwing up showing things offline while others are

  • salonepekin Hackers (@salonepekin) segnalati

    @ring FYI it's not working for hardwired devices either.