
H1Z1 non funziona?

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H1Z1 è una sandbox di sopravvivenza massiccia multiplayer online MMO apocalittico gamepost in cui devi combattere per la tua vita contro un mondo invaso dagli zombi. Sviluppato da Daybreak Game Company e disponibile per Xbox, Playstation e Windows.

Problemi nelle ultime 24 ore

Il grafico seguente mostra il numero di segnalazioni che abbiamo ricevuto su H1Z1 in base all'ora del giorno nelle ultime 24 ore. Un'interruzione viene determinata quando il numero di segnalazioni è superiore alla linea di base, rappresentata dalla linea rossa.

Grafico di interruzione di H1Z1 02/14/2025 00:40

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I problemi più segnalati

Di seguito sono riportati i problemi più recenti segnalati dagli utenti di H1Z1 tramite il nostro sito Web.

  1. Log-in (100%)

    Log-in (100%)

Mappa in tempo reale delle interruzioni

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City Problem Type Report Time
PolandPoznań Log-in
United StatesMinneapolis Log-in
FranceCergy Gioco online
FranceCergy Gioco online
New CaledoniaNouméa Glitch
FranceMéricourt Matchmaking
Map Mappa attuale

Discussione comunitaria

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Segnalazioni sui problemi di H1Z1

Ultime interruzioni, problemi e segnalazioni di problemi nei social media:

  • Seamus_Donohue Seamus Donohue (@Seamus_Donohue) segnalati

    Random memory from working on @H1Z1 several years ago: @tomslick42 : This thing's throwing an error in the build. me: Sorry, my fault. Fixed it. Apparently, our systems don't like logical expressions of the form A AND B AND AND C. @tomslick42 : That just hurt my brain. #gamedev

  • JakeDaleyy Jake'Daley (@JakeDaleyy) segnalati

    @DEAFPS_ Revives, I like no respawns, makes death mean something. Ping system, battlepass, comes with updates. Healing system is good? I dont see a problem. Ranked system is what made H1Z1, H1Z1.

  • loveyourselfTv loveyourselfTv (@loveyourselfTv) segnalati

    If the anti-cheat hacking methods are not effective and improve significantly, what about the return of the real s3 season? I only hope that h1z1 will not be a free game, and hackers and cheaters will not make trouble.@enadglobal7 @Z1BattleRoyale @DaybreakGames

  • JesseInsanity JesseInsanity (@JesseInsanity) segnalati

    @enadglobal7 Message to EG7 - Enad Global 7 about H1Z1 We appreciate your decision to continue support for the games Daybreak abandoned. Many would like Pre-Season 3 back but others believe the current state is not impossible to fix.

  • SethElias3 synik_Gamingyt (@SethElias3) segnalati

    @H1Z1 how can you fix the steam gateway bug? verifying files did not either

  • valentindiscord KosovaH1Z1 (@valentindiscord) segnalati

    Hey guys, im not gonna be uploading videos for a week, sorry to disappoint you. I just wanted a break to fix up life, have a nice day! h1z1

  • jpineda1215 JonP (@jpineda1215) segnalati

    @TheMattRetro We use to do this in h1z1 get a bunch a vehicles together and blown them up to crash the game

  • Ruhzen Jimei Ruhzen 集美殿堂 (@Ruhzen) segnalati

    @CHOWh1z1 Avoue quand même que c'est pas les bug d'h1z1 au tout début mdrr

  • EnanoCD D (@EnanoCD) segnalati

    Le retour d'H1Z1 bordel de *****

  • iiweirdness Weirdness (@iiweirdness) segnalati

    @_suler @StableRonaldo but lemme say this, the problem with paragon was the last update they did ruined the game, just like with the last update they did before h1z1 got ruined. people wanted them to revert it but they didnt and it cost them for not listening. i understand what you're saying tho

  • Hdk51200 Hugo HdK (@Hdk51200) segnalati

    @IzumiSeiji @Breaaaddyyy @BlueSendoh En vrai le br où c'était vraiment galère de gagner c'était h1z1 (me suis toujours pas remis de comment le jeu à coulé ****** j'devais avoir 700h dessus)

  • 5oThck4wNpRYMvE Inuyasha (@5oThck4wNpRYMvE) segnalati

    @AddisonBirt @H1Z1CANREVIVE @H1Z1 The Chinese Asia-Pacific server is closed. If it is not closed, there are at least 8,000 people online. DayBreak Company is closed. Now a large part of the European service is organized by Chinese people to compete together.

  • kackachu kackachu (@kackachu) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp I placed a customer service request in 6 days ago and have not heard anything in response. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Ticket Request #933871

  • Jungle_or_Dodge Jungle or Dodge (@Jungle_or_Dodge) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp Lots of post on bug reports about this. We gonna get a fix for "Failed to join channel '<Guild>': Invalid password or access denied" for new guild members being unable to join guild voice channel?

  • dNstreeeet dN Street (@dNstreeeet) segnalati

    @RogueCompany @PrettyHair But scorch is fine? What about melees? What about the recent increase in cheating and you guys doing nothing about it. But you did ban a legit player because one of your partners!!! Also crouch spam? Crouch spam in H1z1 and CS was broken. In Rogue its not.

  • dNstreeeet dN Street (@dNstreeeet) segnalati

    @GioRoyals @Neglectant @Ghogert Crouch spamming was broken in H1z1. It was broken in CSGO. Thats why they added cooldowns. But in Rogue crouch spamming is honestly not as broken as most games and I see it as apart of movement. Is it annoying to go against? Sure. But lower my crosshair and ez win against

  • FrostyXGamingYT Brattplayz (@FrostyXGamingYT) segnalati

    @DCUO @DaybreakHelp are test servers down or what’s up? I’m new to the pc version of dc and I heard test servers are fun I keep trying to get in but it keeps saying down for maintenance help plz

  • Oskar45398700 Oskar (@Oskar45398700) segnalati

    @H1Z1 Why are the servers down?

  • dominuss_unax dominussunax117 (@dominuss_unax) segnalati

    @Limbert99474818 @CarloPetrungaro Y no sirve para nada. H1z1 partidas de menos de 15 personas....

  • RidiculousMate Ridiculous (@RidiculousMate) segnalati

    @Funkayyyy H1Z1 is the grandpa of the others. Fortnite being the weird kid and PUBG being the unstable kid with anger issues

  • Ngrapno03 Larry King (@Ngrapno03) segnalati

    @DaybreakGames when are you going to fix H1Z1 ps4? 🙏🏽

  • JadenCl50251459 Jaden Clark (@JadenCl50251459) segnalati

    @H1Z1 Are the servers down now?

  • nathan401312 nathan (@nathan401312) segnalati

    @BringBackH1Z1 I have a problem I have an infinite load on h1z1 impossible to enter the games, someone knows how to solve the problem ?

  • SamBelldev Sam (@SamBelldev) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp I keep getting a G201 error. The support ticket system isn't registering my tickets either? Failing to upload dxdiag and msinfo. Any help? I just built this pc!

  • The_DoDo_B34N OldManB34N (@The_DoDo_B34N) segnalati

    hey @steam can yall fix the "gateway" bug that occurs when someone tries to log into @H1Z1 while "offline" on steam? shits annoying AF.

  • DerMichi391 Michi Blö (@DerMichi391) segnalati

    @BorelliEdwin @DaybreakHelp I have the same problem. Did u get an answer on that?

  • bbt_de BBT (@bbt_de) segnalati

    @RocketJumpNinja @UYass @PlayApex That's why H1z1 was the best BR. Ar15 and ak47 where everywhere, no matter where you landed. There was basically no issue with resources so it minized the luck aspect with most brs. Fortnite does the same thing with building, if you get shot from behind you can still defend

  • TheBIackCanvas Trina (@TheBIackCanvas) segnalati

    @notorixusXX but fortnite, pubg, warzone and h1z1 have 0 issues w recoil

  • undergroundsouI undiscovered (@undergroundsouI) segnalati

    @Martinedwards19 @ModernWarzone No one wants a BR that carries a dead background like PUBG or H1Z1. Fortnite has a story, apex has a story. I don’t see the problem.

  • Jungle_or_Dodge Jungle or Dodge (@Jungle_or_Dodge) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp EQ2 - Lots of post on bug reports about this. We gonna get a fix for "Failed to join channel '<Guild>': Invalid password or access denied" for new guild members being unable to join guild voice channel?