
H1Z1 non funziona?

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H1Z1 è una sandbox di sopravvivenza massiccia multiplayer online MMO apocalittico gamepost in cui devi combattere per la tua vita contro un mondo invaso dagli zombi. Sviluppato da Daybreak Game Company e disponibile per Xbox, Playstation e Windows.

Problemi nelle ultime 24 ore

Il grafico seguente mostra il numero di segnalazioni che abbiamo ricevuto su H1Z1 in base all'ora del giorno nelle ultime 24 ore. Un'interruzione viene determinata quando il numero di segnalazioni è superiore alla linea di base, rappresentata dalla linea rossa.

Grafico di interruzione di H1Z1 05/18/2024 08:30

Al momento, non abbiamo rilevato alcun problema su H1Z1. Stai riscontrando problemi o un'interruzione? Lascia un messaggio nei commenti.

I problemi più segnalati

Di seguito sono riportati i problemi più recenti segnalati dagli utenti di H1Z1 tramite il nostro sito Web.

  1. Gioco online (67%)

    Gioco online (67%)

  2. Log-in (33%)

    Log-in (33%)

Discussione comunitaria

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Segnalazioni sui problemi di H1Z1

Ultime interruzioni, problemi e segnalazioni di problemi nei social media:

  • CrdH1Z1 Crd (@CrdH1Z1) segnalati

    @PostyOfficial Bro this guy used to DDOS people back in the days om H1Z1 just survive lmao

  • JaayOnPC ジ BattyFlaps ジ (@JaayOnPC) segnalati

    The problem with a game that has a report cheaters function is you get so many cheaters in, you get banned from reporting because they think your spamming it too many times.. so tons of legitimate reports get avoided.. This is the problem with high amounts of cheaters #h1z1

  • Ooziika Oziika (@Ooziika) segnalati

    @Cantthinkofon15 @H1Z1 I looked at your old tweet about H1Z1 every tweet you make you say 'dead game' MAN REALLY you have a serious problem you've been heaved too much on H1 so you get revenge by spamming dead game part on a single player game good continuation

  • 1cyPop 1cy_Pop (@1cyPop) segnalati

    If @PlayApex doesn’t fix their game they are going to ******* H1Z1 themselves

  • H1Z1Collectors H1Z1Collectors (@H1Z1Collectors) segnalati

    Somebody duplicated many h1z1 items , therefore @Z1BattleRoyale turned off skins trading and selling on steam market , it can be a big problem now. @BitSkinsCom also have stopped all Z1BR items purchasing. Hope that developers will resolve the issue soon.

  • Nicotroisd Nicotroisd (@Nicotroisd) segnalati

    @CHOWh1z1 @ATVIAssist @Activision Ça va BR5 sur H1Z1 ce soir du coup 👀 blizzard son vraiment pas doué à ban direct quand y a un bug de payement c'est fou mdr #freechow


    @Titatitutu Pas de Apex vu pas de serveur privé. Donc H1Z1.

  • cgletras CG'n Stein (@cgletras) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp @DaybreakGames You guys don't care about your customers. I have opened an issue because I have not received the seal on the current event and It is being closed without a solution. the 3rd day is gone and no seal so far...

  • Dutch1H Dutch1Henk (@Dutch1H) segnalati

    @DxnUros @H1Z1Retweet @H1Z1 If they fix **** i don't care if it takes some time

  • nazebtw naze (@nazebtw) segnalati

    @enadglobal7 Thanks for responding to us, but please, do something about the problem with the cheaters in h1z1, ping lock it to like 100 until you decide what you will continue on doing with the games under Daybreak. Or think of something comfortable for you. :)

  • DatDepth Omen Depth (@DatDepth) segnalati

    H1Z1 is the perfect game and there is nothing wrong, also the game is not broken.

  • Xercul cuuuuuuuuuchie (@Xercul) segnalati

    @H1Z1 cant even fix the servers with under 5k people

  • dylancoutt dylex (@dylancoutt) segnalati

    @EikoH95 @antzzoinvest Yes sure. you are right, but they could keep the players informed about each update, many think they are not working on h1z1, due to their lack of information.

  • JaayOnPC ジ BattyFlaps ジ (@JaayOnPC) segnalati

    Servers lagging to **** now can't even land without waiting for the game to do something #h1z1

  • Neptune7271 Neptune727 (@Neptune7271) segnalati

    @DaybreakGames @DaybreakHelp I have tried countless times to log in and I either get an error message, am messge saying "looks like you have gotten lost, or down for maintenance. There must be other avenunes to submit a ticket

  • StarshiipeR StarshiipeR (@StarshiipeR) segnalati

    Annonce le revert PS3 H1Z1 maintenant


    @enadglobal7 So if you don't have a team that knows what to do, the job is not very difficult. Return to preseason 3 (main focus) Also bring all content from Z1BR to KOTK (H1Z1) Fix the bugs (This can be left for later, PS3 had some bugs that would be even funny) We just need it

  • notabeatboxr Tautveedas (@notabeatboxr) segnalati

    @CSGO H1z1 had the same problem

  • dNstreeeet dN Street (@dNstreeeet) segnalati

    @enadglobal7 H1z1 was the best battle royale to ever be made. But it was the most unoptimized garbage battle royale performance wise it was broken it was buggy and had the most terrible implemented anticheat I have ever seen in a game.

  • Sup3rm4nX Sup3rm4nX (@Sup3rm4nX) segnalati

    Sooooo #H1Z1 apparently the last 3 games i have been in some cheaters have been in the games then they randomly disconnect, is this them being banned and if so HOLY CRAP CHEATERS ARE BEING BANNED

  • NiTrOuSXtr3m David Dionne-Lévesqu (@NiTrOuSXtr3m) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp @DaybreakGames Hello, I do have a problem. I hope you are reading those comments... I NEED HELP. I CAN'T LOGIN FOR THE SUPPORT ... CAN YOU HELP ME... I need to login to remove my membership and then it dont let me...

  • Dutch1H Dutch1Henk (@Dutch1H) segnalati

    @H1Z1 Fix everything thet didn't fix last years :) H1Z1 the Best

  • JaayOnPC ジ BattyFlaps ジ (@JaayOnPC) segnalati

    Anybody else having some insane bugs with #h1z1 on pc right now? I got flung up back into the air after parachuting, not being able to throw grenades after getting out of vehicle like stuck in a cool down timer.. Shooting bugs etc.. my connections fine but the game just broken

  • G1DoesStuff G1DoesStuff (@G1DoesStuff) segnalati

    URGENT -- Please disable trading all together. Mark everything as u tradeable. Some people still can trade with no problems, other people not. I can't choose items out my inv but cam out of someone elses inv. @DaybreakGames @DaybreakHelp @enadglobal7

  • dNstreeeet dN Street (@dNstreeeet) segnalati

    @enadglobal7 I look at these feedback posts in this tweet you made. Ppl talking about H1z1 and cheaters being a issue. This is old news and is nothing new. It is one of the main issues that truly destroyed our game. If somehow you bring back H1z1 do a favor and please bring a anticheat

  • LemonSquezyyy LemonSquezyyy (@LemonSquezyyy) segnalati

    @enadglobal7 @H1Z1 @Z1BattleRoyale fix this game it's full asian cheater and 200ping players can't play this game anymore please open server for asian or lock high ping and fix anticheat

  • sukhanknown 𝐼𝑎𝑛ᗢ (@sukhanknown) segnalati

    @FortniteGame please fix your game, your game is worst than @H1Z1 , please ******* fix the select game mode please and BLOODY FIX PERFORMANCE MODE!

  • KydeFromSoupex kyky🇵🇹 (@KydeFromSoupex) segnalati

    @_Pwcca wtf pas de h1z1 planifié ? je comprends pas O_O

  • FatrickPoxworth Paddyish (@FatrickPoxworth) segnalati

    @DaybreakHelp Trying to purchase membership (tried card & steam wallet) and I keep getting an error. Trying to raise a support ticket, need to verify email, keep getting an error. Help

  • OTFLGaming OnTheFrontLine (@OTFLGaming) segnalati

    @BringBackH1Z1 @enadglobal7 I know initially there were talks of bringing back H1Z1 in its before-preseason 3 state or whatever. Not sure where that stands. For Just Survive what are the odds of just getting what we had when they shut the servers down on Oct 24th, 2018?